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Blog Flipping Gone Wild - The Contest

25. August 2008


For those of you that know me well, I’m always coming up with new ideas that can get you guys involved and help to teach you this highly profitable craft.  Well, I’ve got a doozie for you here!  I’m calling this one my Blog Flipping Gone Wild contest, and it’s going to be highly profitable, [...]

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24 Hour Challenge - Part 2?

24. August 2008


Well, I’m not quite at the $1,000 for the 24 hour challenge yet, but I’m close enough that I’m starting to feel rather comfortable about my position.  The problem?  Well, it appears that Jim from The Net Fool is exactly what his name implies, and he’s not a very good loser either.  He lost the [...]

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Great Video - Thanks Joe!

21. August 2008


My buddy Joe over at had this to say about my 24 hour challenge.  Pretty funny stuff.  Check it out.  And don’t forget the new post below this one.  I was a busy guy and got two posts out today!  That’s gotta be a new record here at SFU.

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24 Hour Challenge - The Gameplan

21. August 2008


I’m sure this is a post that would appeal to the masses here, so I’ll go ahead and put out some of the planning that has been involved, and my gameplan to succeed in this challenge.  Maybe with a roadmap here, some of you guys can get involved and let me know what you like, [...]

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Challenge Accepted - It’s On!

18. August 2008


If you have no clue as to the meaning of my headline, please refer to my post about my blog flipping challenge.  Well my friends, the challenge has been accepted, and here’s how it’s going to play out. I don’t have any free time until Friday to do this, due to prior commitments and the fact [...]

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Care To Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?

18. August 2008


I have to say that one of my favorite new finds in the blog community is IMwithJoe.Com - dude is hilarious, and he has a totally new take on internet marketing.  Add that to the fact that he is 100% transparent with his readers, and you’ll see why I can’t get enough.  After reading through [...]

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What’s It Take To Make $10,000 On A Blog Flip?

11. August 2008


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been researching this article heavily.  I’ve scoured every marketplace looking for transactions of $10,000 plus, and a blog.  I’ve learned a lot, and I want to pass this on to you so that you can see just how easy it is to make over $10,000 with one blog flip.  [...]

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Making Money On The Backend Of Your Blog Flips

6. August 2008


There are often two distinct ways to make money site flipping.  The frontside model, which is of course the sale of the site, and any of the revenue it generated while you had it.  And then there is a backend model in which you try to squeeze out even more cash from the sale of [...]

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Welcome To August - New Idea For Blog Flipping

1. August 2008


Well, it’s a new month, and I must say that I always feel more creative at the start of a month that I do at the end of one.  With the start of this month comes a new idea, and an opportunity for all of the readers here to make some money, while learning more [...]

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Reader Email - Traffic Building Argument

27. July 2008


I received this email a couple of days ago, and I thought that the response would be best answered for all to see. It's a phenomenal question, and I think that we might all be able to weigh in with differing opinions, comments, and our general thoughts.

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