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Welcome To August - New Idea For Blog Flipping

Fri, Aug 1, 2008


Well, it’s a new month, and I must say that I always feel more creative at the start of a month that I do at the end of one.  With the start of this month comes a new idea, and an opportunity for all of the readers here to make some money, while learning more about flipping blogs.

I’m glad we had such a good time flipping our first blogs last month, but this month it’s on to bigger and better things.  So I propose… (more…)

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Forums Are Live

Thu, Jul 31, 2008


Who’s going to be the first to make a post in the forums?  They are currently up and running.  I’m working on a design scheme, so for the time being we’re stuck with the default layout, but that’ll change shortly.  Post away.

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Sample Sales Copy For A Sitepoint Auction

Wed, Jul 30, 2008


Some of you are getting ready to sell, so I thought that this could definitely be a template to help you get the most for your site on sitepoint.  I recommend re-writing it, but it’s a great tool to help you out.  Neccessary parts of this will be in bold, so don’t leave them out.  The biggest part of writing sales copy is focusing on the positives of your blog.  There will be drawbacks, there always are, but we are going to push past those and focus on what makes our blog wonderful. The key is to answer questions before they are asked, so that you always remain in control of the sale.  Try this out: (more…)

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Blog Flipping - The Newest MMO Trend?

Tue, Jul 29, 2008


Thought you guys might enjoy this article.  Let me know what you think in the comment field as usual.  Hope you enjoy.

NY Times - Blog Flipping Article

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Reader Email - Traffic Building Argument

Sun, Jul 27, 2008


I received this email a couple of days ago, and I thought that the response would be best answered for all to see.  It’s a phenomenal question, and I think that we might all be able to weigh in with differing opinions, comments, and our general thoughts.  First of all, welcome Korprit, and thanks for taking the time to send this email. (more…)

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Show Of Hands - Who’s Selling?

Thu, Jul 24, 2008


Over the past few days, it’s come to my attention that most of you are planning on keeping your blogs.  I definitely think that it’s wise to hold on to any site for as long as you can before flipping it.  Time generally means more money, and that’s hardly a bad thing.  Whether you decide to keep your site, or sell it, is up to you.  However, just know that you can use the tools you used to build this one to do it over, and over again.  Learn any shocking secrets?  I dont’ think so..  All of this is pretty cut and dry, and it just took getting over your hurdle, and giving it a try.  I’m glad that all of you made the attempt, this already puts you ahead of most entrepreneurs. (more…)

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Down The Home Stretch - Finishing Up Your Flipper Blog

Mon, Jul 21, 2008


We’re very close to the end of this contest, so it’s only natural that we should see where we’re at.  By now, most of you have some great content going, you’ve been social bookmarking like crazy, and you’ve built up a link or two by commenting on other blogs.  But, what now?  Well… first, let’s get an overview of where you SHOULD be by now.  If you aren’t here yet, there’s no rush…  remember, it’s just a contest.  If you think you can make more money by holding off another week or even a month, by all means… do so. (more…)

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What About RSS Subscribers?

Thu, Jul 17, 2008


To be honest, this is the one area that I absolutely suck at.  I realize that it takes time, but I just haven’t found any fast ways to build a big subscriber base so that I can flip these quickly.  But I do have a few ideas for you that I’ve had success with in the past.

Ask Them

If you don’t have the “subscribe remind” or a similar plugin installed, you are missing out on some potential subscribers.  This puts a small blurb of text on the bottom of every post asking people  to subscribe to your feed, and it generally has about a 1-2% success rate.  Not much, but it’s worth having. (more…)

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Get More Organic Traffic

Tue, Jul 15, 2008


I’m pleased to report that I’m back and besides random dizzy spells, feeling much better.  Now, let’s keep moving with this contest.

It’s now Week 3, and we need to start generating some organic traffic.  Most of you have probaly seen a bit of organic traffic already, so you are off to a good start.  For those of you that haven’t, let’s figure out how we can get more organic traffic. (more…)

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Quick Links - How To Build Links FAST!

Wed, Jul 9, 2008


The problem with a 30 day flip is that it’s incredibly difficult to build your statistics fast enough to make it look like the site is worth anything.  Of course, I’ll do what I can to get you guys moving in the right direction, but a lot of it depends on how much work you put in on your own.  Alexa ranking, backlinks, Rss subscribers, and traffic are your biggest nightmares when flipping a site in 30 days.  It’s just hard to get MEANINGFUL results in such a short amount of time. (more…)

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