This is an exact copy of what is in our eBook inside our members area. Go sign up for FREE to view the full eBook on how to flip websites. You can view all of the eBook in video format as well so you don’t have to read. I know some of us like pictures and not text!

This is a big question and one you need to be able to answer in order to make money as a website flipper. This section will help you to understand what makes a good site flip and how you can implement it in your site flipping career. In order to earn good money as a site flipper, you need to understand the mindset of the person who is going to buy your website. Investors fall into two categories; those that are new to Internet Marketing and those that are seasoned website investors. There are some who fall midway between these two categories, but there are not many. There is a third category, but it’s not one that we are going to focus on in this course. Sometimes you will be approached by someone who wants to buy your site. It may be an individual or a company. Whichever it is, you can usually get a good price from them as they are an eager buyer. Most website buyers are looking to buy something that they have to do minimal work with. If they wanted to do a lot of work on a website, then they would create it themselves rather than buy it. They are looking for long term earning and traffic potential, not just a flash in the pan product. They want something that will still be earning in a years time. Whereas you don’t need traffic and earnings to flip a site, you can significantly increase your sale price by driving traffic to a site and making it earn. It is worth your while spending some time driving traffic to increase the value of the site. This course is focused around creating higher value sites through traffic and earnings. Your buyers are looking for hot topics and topics that are going to endure. They don’t want to buy a site that in three months time will have no traffic and no earnings, unless in the short time before the site fizzles out they can make a lot Copyright © 2009, all rights reserved. of money. In that case, there is an argument to keep the site yourself (see the next section). Topics like parenting, weddings, credit problems, foreclosure, weight loss are all enduring or evergreen topics that people are always interested in. These are highly competitive niches because they have such long term potential. There are always going to be people getting married, having kids, having financial problems and wanting to diet. The market rarely wanes and there are always new people coming into the market looking for information. Don’t use the same old themes and templates as everyone else, either design unique ones or find ones that aren’t commonly used and customize them. It wasn’t too long ago that a popular site flipping product mentioned using the Church Wordpress theme when flipping sites. Of course, everyone rushed to start using the theme and the market was saturated with websites that looked very similar. Now, because of this, you will struggle to shift a site based on the Church theme. Create your own theme or customize and existing theme so that it looks unique. You can learn all about Wordpress and how to use it with the Wordpress Demystified program. This is the most complete Wordpress training you will find and will show you everything about how to make Wordpress earn for you. Make your site unique so that it stands out from the crowd and you will get attention and be more likely to make a sale. Your buyers are looking for something unique and eye catching.

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