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Subscriber Bait: The Results

Sun, Sep 7, 2008


For those of you that were confused with my last post, and why I’d post such a juicy headline with no real substance, I want to post some results for you.  This is something that I just did to experiment, and I like to experiment often with new ways to improve my blog, my income, and the overall experience for new readers.  So what does this mean for you?  Well, the last post was essentially a bait into subscribing to my newsletter, which many of you did.

What did you get out of it?  A solid tip that you can use to make $100 a day, with very little work.  How many of you take advantage of my tip is up to you, but I sure hope you take my advice, because it’s a SUPER profitable system to deliver $100’s of dollars in sales, each and every week.

The results of my experiment?

79 new newsletter subscribers!

I’m  happy that the experiment worked, and I think due to the success of this one, I’ll start offering some pretty profitable secrets that are only available to newsletter subscribers.  It’s a great way to reward those that take the leap of faith and trust you not to spam their inbox with meaningless garbage.  Others can verify, that’s not how I do things.

So was it curiousity?  Mouth watering headline?  Fear of missing a great tip?  What led you to subscribe to my newsletter, and will you be using the method that I sent out?  If not, can you at least grasp the money making potential?

I Love Social Bookmarking

17 Comments For This Post

  1. Chic Nicola Says:

    I signed up because I was interested in reading the tip and I can always unsubscribe if I no longer want the newsletter. I’ve got no problem signing up with sites I read regularly.

    I have a question about the tip you gave, and site flipping in general. Ii I create a site purely for flipping should it have a hosting account all to itself so it can easily be transferred to a new owner, ie, not on the same hosting account as my other sites?


  2. Bryan Clark Says:

    I strongly recommend a Host Gator reseller account. Just the basic one for $25 should be plenty, but the benefits are numerous.

    I used to host with Go Daddy, and then I noticed that my options for flipper sites were either buying a hosting account for each one, then re-using it after the sale, or deleting it. Or, sign up for a big account and then host them all on the same server. Neither of these options worked for me. If I buy them separately, it gets expensive… fast! And if I add them all to the same server, it becomes a jumbled mess since sites are coming and going constantly. It also doesn’t allow you to do one click installs for each site using Fantastico or Hosting Connection.

    So, the solution was easy. With my Host Gator reseller account, I was able to essentially become my own hosting provider. I had “X” amount of room, and I could add or delete hosting accounts at will, with no extra charge. So, instead of paying $7 or so to create a hosting account, I just create it on my reseller plan now. Once the site is gone, no more cleanup of the server… just delete it, and create a new account for the next one. Now I have my own cpanel for each site, and I can add/delete them at will, and still pay the same $25.

    It took a second to figure out, but Host Gator support was nice enough to walk me through the entire thing. Now I’m a pro!


    Chic Nicola reply on September 9th, 2008:

    Thanks for your reply - I have a Hostagator account and have been wondering why I’d need a reseller account - now I know!


  3. Nota Bene Consulting Says:

    I signed up because you asked me to! That and I wanted to know how to make one miiiilllion dollar in 6.5 seconds

    I have a hostgator reseller acc too and cannot speak highly enough of them.


  4. Big Blogger Says:

    It has been coriousity. And I have still that curiosity because you gave us a GREAT tip, but there is a BUT: you gave us only the first part of the deal.

    A sale is made up by something or a service to sell AND a customer willing to buy your good or service.

    In the case of your tip, what kind of customer is going to buy a site without traffic ?
    Why should a customer buy a brand new site without traffic and incoming links ?

    Does the two services you suggest provide also unique content for the sites ?

    Would you post an example of one of your sales copys of one of your “quick sites” ?

    With all this question you could make a great follow up of yor first post in the newsletter. Off course everybody has to subscribe to read the rest…



  5. Duncan Says:

    Guilty as charged. That post made me sign up as well. Never really noticed your sign-up form before. Although looking at it now, I have know idea how I missed it


  6. Ryan @ Smarter Wealth Says:

    It was actually this article that made me read your previous article which made me subscribe. So I hope that counts
    I really like your blog and I need $100 for 30 minutes work. Because I need to make a full time wage online because I HATE my job


  7. tommygadget Says:


    One of my blog readers mentioned your website. I liked the content and saw the post so I signed up. I did not get the tip, though.



  8. Bryan Clark Says:

    Tommy - I must have sent it out before you signed up. I’ll dig it up and send it to you personally.


    tommygadget reply on September 8th, 2008:

    Sent you an email. You inspired me to do a 24 hour challenge with all the tips outlined on your site. Very useful info. Thanks, and I really mean that!



  9. Koi Games Says:

    I signed up when you posted the article, but didn’t get the article.


    Bryan Clark reply on September 8th, 2008:

    If you did indeed sign up when I posted the article, make sure that you have confirmed your subscription.. If you did, send me an email with the email address you used to sign up, and I’ll check it out.


  10. G Says:

    Bryan- Make that 80 new subscribers. But I Didn’t get the tip either because I signed up too late. Could you possibly send it to me? Thanks!


    Keith James Lock reply on September 8th, 2008:


    can ya hook me up? I thought you were camping or something so I haven’t been around…

    Thanks in advance,


  11. zania Says:

    I was going to sign up eventually anyway, but I thought the bait was excellent and due a decent response, so I signed up then rather than waiting

    Good job I did because it seems you have an even better offer in store for newsletter subscibers now…


  12. Stu Says:

    Awesome bait! Although I must say I was under the impression that your newsletter was a round up of the months blog posts. Now I know it has extra content I’m hooked



  13. bruce galvin Says:

    hello bryan took the bait and subscribed but didn’t get the juicy one aka the newsletter. could you please look into it and send it.
    Confirmed my subscription. Thanks.


  14. Bryan Clark Says:

    Sorry guys, you’ll have to wait until the next one. There are 30 or so of you that didn’t get it, and I don’t want to resend it to those that have already received it. I like to keep my newsletters to a minimum, and only send them out when I have solid information. Don’t want to spam those that have already received the message.

    Don’t fret though, there will be others. The results were good, so it’ll be a recurring thing


  15. Otooo Says:

    I subscribed but was extremely disappointed with the newsletter u sent - the info was just so bad and basic I’m actually gonna unsubscribe - sorry
    I do like this blog though, just not the quality of your newsletter


    Bryan Clark reply on September 10th, 2008:

    Sorry to hear that Otooo. But you have to remember, as a whole, my audience had probably never considered that as a possibility. Even though you may be ahead of the curve a bit, it is still important that I show others this method. It’s easy, and it works, so they can make some quick cash from it.


  16. Normal Joe Says:

    I signed up for the sammiches! Nah, I want to support you because I know you shoot straight with no fluff, I knew you’d share something good and I wanted to help you reach your goal.

    That reseller account is looking nice man, I have the regular swamp pack, but may need to look into the reseller pack myself in the future, after you drop that blueprint sucka!


  17. Dave Says:

    I signed up, confirmed the aweber message, whitelisted the address, and STILL didn’t receive the rest of the post. When I confirmed, the thank you page was a just a customized version of the standard aweber thankyou.


    Bryan Clark reply on September 12th, 2008:

    Dave - If you didn’t receive the post, that means you signed up after I sent it. Everyone that was already signed up, or that signed up in time received it.

    Don’t worry, that was just one… there will be more.


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