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Contest Update - Social Profiles

Wed, Jul 9, 2008

Blog Flipping

Just wanted to get a quick post out so that you can all see the two new contestants.  I’d like to welcome them onboard for the competition, and wish them the best.  Good luck to the two of you!

Here are the two new contestants, and their respective sites.

Also, let’s get some social bookmark networking going.  Here is my info across the major social networks, and I’d welcome all of you to friend me, and I’ll do the same for you.

I hope by now, everyone is starting to see how valuable social bookmarking sites can be when it comes to flipping blogs.  It’s next to impossible to start a blog from scratch, and have any meaningful traffic going to it at the end of a 30 day period, so you definitely need to make sure that you are on top of the social bookmarking game.  Stumble, Digg, and make sure that you keep writing content that appeals to the crowds at these social sites!  Keep moving forward guys and girls, you are all doing great!

Facebook - Bryan Clark

Twitter -

StumbleUpon -

Digg -

If anyone wants to share their social profiles, feel free to do so below.  It’s a great way to get a few new friends for your promotion efforts.

I Love Social Bookmarking
Blog, Bookmark, bryan clark, Crowds, digg, facebook, Game, Girls, Good Luck, Meaningful Traffic, Moving, Networking, New Friends, Promotion Efforts, reddit, Scratch, social bookmarking, Social Bookmarking Sites, Social Networks, social profiles, stumbleupon, twitter

10 Comments For This Post

  1. The Affiliate Post Says:

    Have befriended a few of you already on my stumble account (uneboutique) but anyone else feel free to add me!

    Welcome to the newcomers


  2. Jovana Says:

    my digg profile is BeAmazing - I used to have another digg account but never used it so I’m totally new to this


  3. living in a frugal way Says:

    My internet connection and SU had a falling out and don’t work together now!!! (I can still thumbs up and submot but can’t access my profile) so will head off to the library and get a different connection to get in and add everyone as friends.


  4. Coach Kip Says:

    I am CoachKip on twitter, stumble, and digg. Those are the ones that I use most frequently. I also am on Facebook.

    Thanks for including me and my professor site.


  5. Missy (from Bloggers Search) Says:

    I will add all of you today. Is anyone here on Sphinn? This is a (Digg like site) but aimed squarely at bloggers, net marketers, seo people, etc.

    ***There are also smaller more targeted social sites, like PLUG IM and Kirtsy.
    Between the bunch of us here, if we all strategize, we could easily get on the FP with some of the smaller sites.

    Sphinn: m38967
    StumbleUpon: m38967
    Digg: acedigger

    All i ask is that you dont bombard me with too many requests. I myself usually only send out like 3 a week. (or so) It depends, and will make an exception because of aggressive promo for this contest.

    But lets all keep it real.


  6. Missy (from Bloggers Search) Says:

    Oops! I forgot to add my Twitter alias: m38967.

    I do use Twitter, and i quite like it. But i have to literally pull myself off it, or it can be a BIG distraction. But im on there quite abit.


  7. Bryan Clark Says:

    Good stuff everyone. Enjoy befriending everyone and helping each other to cross promote!


    Reggae Artists reply on July 9th, 2008:

    Yeah man!


  8. Baseball News Says:

    Alright, a whole site for tramp stamps?


  9. Jay Says:

    I think I mentioned my accts on another thread, plus, I have a few of you added already, but since this is the official one, hit me up here:

    Twitter -

    StumbleUpon -

    Digg -

    I’m on Facebook, but I use it mostly for personal sillyness and rarely on it. I do, however, add my links to groups now and then



  10. Missy (from Bloggers Search) Says:

    I added you SuiteJ in Twitter and Digg. to dang lazy to look up the SU account. Will do it tommorrow.

    Do add me also. I think for the purposes of this contest, i will focus on SU (traffic) and Digg (backlinks).


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