Forum Marketing
Instantly make money by copying one of these forum marketing methods. You can post as much as you want as long as you are delivering value to the forum. The more you post, the more profits you will make and it's 100% free to post.
These are seriously profitable and FREE to do - just do them on several forums after you post to each. Here are some forum signature ideas for you to use:
Grab one of our forum signatures at the bottom of this page.
RULE #1 to remember: Add your own authentic individuality to the forum, NEVER SPAM. We do not tolerate spammers and neither do forum owners.
Forums to sign up an account and start posting at:
Digital Point Forums TalkGold eWealth MakeMoneyKingdom |
MoneyMakerGroup Warrior Forum WhyDoWork IM4Newbies |
Associates Forum ClickbankSuccessForum
... there's a lot more - just search for "work at home forums" or "website flipping forums" or "site flipping forums" and there will be many untapped places for you to post and earn.
Sources of free instant content to effortlessly use for making posts:
Google News Search (do a search for "website flipping", "work at home", etc)
AlltheWeb News Search
Note: if you copy or summarize one of the news search items, you can add "what do you guys think?" at the end of your forum post and start getting responses and get your link even more traffic.
Automatic text summarizers for posting articles and content:
Auto article or text summarizer
IMPORTANT guideline to remember: Always think about contributing to the forum in a positive manner, never ever spam, and also never plagiarize (always cite the source of an article you post or link to). If you blindly spam, you may risk getting banned from a forum and we never recommend this.
Easy forum replies for almost ANY threads (please personalize if it makes sense):
Note: These are only example replies for you to model from.
If people seem to agree on a topic of the thread, then use the following as your post reply:
If there seems to be some heated disagreement on a topic of the thread, then use the following as your post reply:
If a topic of the thread seems to have no answer or is dead, then use the following as your post reply:
If a topic seems to be fresh & shocking to the community, then use the following as your post reply:
If there seems to be some strong emotions about a topic, then use the following as your post reply:
Forum Signatures